School Milk

  • Published on: 21 February 2015
  • By: Admin

It's great to see milk back on the Agenda in full swing for primary school children. Many schools are now starting mid-morning milk schemes and numbers per school are looking good. Milk is so important for young children to help the development of their bones and teeth. Dentists recommend only milk or water between meals, restricting fruit juice to meal times. Many children go to school without having breakfast so it is important that they get some kind of nutrition mid-morning, just like us adults having our mid-morning coffee or tea, the children need something to sustain them until lunch-time.

School milk is on the up it seems and it's thanks to the new ruling in January.  Many schools are now starting mid-morning milk schemes to meet the new legislation.  This is brilliant news for children and parents as it means that more children will now get in to the habit of drinking milk daily!